Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stillness in my life

It seems as though life has paused, that time has taken a break. Everything is still, nothing has changed. I feel like a motionless creature in a dark open space in the middle of a jungle. Silence is enveloped around me.

What dreams I dreamt, I cannot recall. what songs I sang, I cannot sing. my childhood memories, my adolescent drama-- I laughed, I cried, and I kept something inside. Now in my early 20s, not old, i know. but still. and im still confused about so many things. People are always saying the most wonderful things. as far as guys and dating goes... it seems very simple. God blessed me, i feel attractive, recieving attention isn't a problem. I want someone for more then my looks and their looks, i want to be emotionally, spiritually, and sensously attracted to them and them to me. I want to experience life and all the beauty, the wonder, the tears and the smiles. I'm afraid of my own emotions, afraid of the intensity of my love for someone. yet like a decorated vile, I want to take a sip, let it run down lips, and then down my neck. I want to then fall asleep as if in a trance. Experience it all on my last night.

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