Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And angels become people...

it just so happens that everyday at a certain moment, time freezes. all the angels descend and they lay down their halos, and fold up their wings... they become people. they become the poor we walk by everyday, the children who go hungry all over the world, they become the unfortunate and the tortured. They become the innocent who are bombed and shot in the streets. And when their day is over... they go back bruised, killed, raped and beated to God.

And God asks them... how has my creation treated you. How has the vicergents of this earth- whom I gave truth, knowledge, wisdom and faith to, how have they treated you?

They need not speak friends. They need not speak. None of us need to say another word. There isn't a word yet created to describe the inhumanity we are all part of.

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