Monday, April 27, 2009

No More Dresses

They called me Jimmy,
the boy with no hair,
the girl with no dreams,
but I was more than that.

Daddy loved me
but dismissed me,
we never were ones
to talk, just silence.

They never asked,
I never told, but the eyes,
all those eyes,
wondered aloud - Why?

I didn’t want to be
a girl with no dreams,
not allowed to dream
because I was a girl.

I wanted freedom
so I made a bargain
with the ancient gods,
and traded my hair.

They called me Jimmy,
I never missed being a girl,
but I could still see those eyes,
wondering aloud why why why.


Nikholic said...

wow man!!!! a retaliating touch with the deep feeling of emancipation. It seems a theme peom for Mira Nair.

~*wILd chILd*~ said...

Thank you. That was an honour :-)