Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Mature

This makes me want to breathe again
Somewhere along the way
I must have forgotten how
So, now I'm taking lessons from another
I'm pretty sure that lesson number one
Was to keep your head above the surface
"With focus that's strong, but my strength keeps slipping."
I'll work on step number two when I get there
It's so easy to fall back sometimes
Push things forward
"And I admire your strength. You keep us going on. You keep us fighting long after the fire."


के सी said...

जीवन के अनुभवों को बांटती अपने आप से वादे करती एक सुन्दर कविता , शायद इसे ही कहते हैं जीवन का आरोहण. कुछ नयी आधुनिक कविता की तरह बेहद प्रभावित करती है .... You keep us fighting long after the fire.. impressive and going well !!

~*wILd chILd*~ said...

Thank you, Kishore..for your ever encouraging and supportive comments. :-)