Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Burning of Troy

I remember the way he stroked the keys,
the wave of his voice sounded out,
the boy he started out as, and I

that commanding woman as unfolded.
How we fought, oh those nights
I screamed through the phone,
I slammed it down and he laughed.

How he knew me, knew me
well, and knew when we talked
there were no sparks, but forest fires
raging out of control, how deep his
desire, his urge to possess.

Yet I burned right through him
could not hold onto me, as his
hands burned, his eyes blinded
we tangoed in tangled sheets
high above mankind, planting
seeds of memories, how he
dreamed, dreams still, of every
sway of my hips, the way I
bite my bottom lip, that light
in my eyes as it clicks,
and the anger that seared him
quiet, for no longer
does he voice his claim,
I am my own keeper,
divine woman on fire,
creator of stars, destiny
in hand, I walk forward still.


Nikholic said...

i really like the abstract verbiage.............The concept of Burning Troy. Everyone has surpassed this burnning in there life. but it take a manic to put it back.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! Gary - i'm speechless !!! U shud go write a friggin book woman !!! :D
P.S. We both know who this is about :P U go girl !! :D

CutePriya said...

Lovely...simply amazing...you know exactly how to make words fall in the right place...I truly relish what you right :)

~*wILd chILd*~ said...

Thank you guys for you kind words...that means a lot to me. :-)
@jelly : Thanks. Hugs to you.