Friday, May 15, 2009

North by Northwest

I waited for you beneath the western hemlock
in my hair tucked behind my ear, a pink rhododendron.

The willow goldfinch overhead sat, singing
its wild canary song.

We shall drift on the place like wild seeds
blown in the wind.

Cascades of needles fall around me, as I
sit waiting for that beautiful man to come
walking through the trees, eyes always on me.

My heart beats in the northwest, my home
is where we lie together under the hemlock
sharing kisses and counting stars.


CutePriya said...

So Beautifuuuuulllll... Stirred my imagination... "FASCINATING"

Amal Bose said...

beautiful work...
really loved the last 3 lines..
"My heart beats in the northwest, my home
is where we lie together under the hemlock
sharing kisses and counting stars.

In my lineofsight