Friday, July 3, 2009

To the Moonless Sky

Sometimes the living of life gets too hard,
and I want to skim the pages,
look ahead to when its easier,
or close my eyes and pretend
like I don't exist.

We stood in the rain together
when we were kids,
and you took your shirt off,
held it over my head,
to try to keep me dry.

You held me when I cried alone,
when there was only darkness,
when no one else could see or hear me,
I was invisible like you.

You're the voice on the wind,
that tells me to wait,
to hide who I am -
until you come to get me,
for only with you will I be
truly safe and happy.

I am the moon,
and you are my sky,
I cannot be without you,
I hear you call to me
and my eyes look upwards -
searching and waiting.

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