Saturday, February 28, 2009

Descent Theory

Stack the cups upside down,
so nothing can fall in them.

She pushes him away emotionally,
changing the subject
when conversations get hard.

She cries in the shower
not to be heard, so no
one can see.

Stack the cups right side up,
they dry better that way.

She tells him how it hurts
til the tears surge past lashes,
how the loneliness settles
in the early hours, how
the voices whisper
she is meant to be alone.

Stack the cups back to front,
its easier to see what you have.

She does not blush
as she takes off her clothes.
She lays unabashedly nude
in the light of day. She knows
how to tempt him with her nakedness.

Stack the cups front to back,
you don't have to reach as far.

She cannot walk away
from him, he is far too addicting.
He says the what she longs to hear,
You're beautiful, I want you, I love you.
Her sensative side romanced.

Or better yet --
Don't stack the cups at all.

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