Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Helen of Troy

It was the golden age,
A time when all eyes
looked upon you
looked upon me.

The masses were filled with envy -
but we saw only each other,
our faces framed in pictures,
our stances cast in stone.

How they all longed to be us,
to be epic like we were.

A romance to span time,
and yet -
you let me go once,
let me slip away,
despite all your words,
despite all the love,
You didn't cross that gap.

You went silent,
dead in the night,
and I was whirled
into another's arms.

Epic love lies in ruins,
ancient ruins,
buried in time,
but now you reach for me,
reaching into the heavens
trying to pluck me like a star
from the sky.

But the eyes of the masses,
how they linger,
how they caress,
all searching for their chance,
their own way to be written in,
a way to touch that love
that shines from the depth of my eyes.

1 comment:

Nikholic said...

Good one..........felt like i am watching an epic, in frame the lover and crowd surrounding..........some scene like gladiator.