My mind is trying to kill me,
It haunts me daily with broken memories
It taunts me with visions of loves long lost,
It mocks me as the silent tears fall
Take me away.
Someone help me...
I cannot take this anymore,
These thoughts are too vicious
I have become a lethal danger to myself,
I am my own now-living nightmare
Let this end.
In this darkness...
I lie alone, waiting for a saviour,
No one cares to reach out a hand
And I still in this mind relive that moment,
Of a gentle kiss placed upon my forhead
Used to care.
Out of this darkness..
A child is born unto the world,
A creature of midnight, the daughter of hate
Her cries are piercing and bittersweet,
Her blood is as ice and her eyes gentle daggers
Save her,
She doesn't deserve this.
Blinded again...
I falter in this endless eternity,
I can no longer find my way back home
So disoriented, nothing's the same,
The guidelines have changed and rules are no more
Take me,
I cannot resist.
Weightless, drifting
My mind has wandered off again,
My body is present in a bleeding shroud
Covered in tears and cleansed in blood,
It seems another curtain falls, to lead me away
My role is over,
Done is this play.
Endless, faithless
I await my sentence, I watch for the doomsayer,
I know one approach to put me from my misery
I welcome this painless euthanasia,
With open arms and bleeding veins
End this,
I do not care.
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